Skateboard hall

Skateboard hall is located in Huutoniemi. Everyone can use the hall for free!

Opening hour

Primary school

Mon 14–17

Tue 14–17

Wed 14–18

Thu 14–18 (girls only)

Fri 14–17

Lower secondary school and older

Mon 17–21

Tue  17–21

Wed 18–21

Thu 18–21

Fri 17–21

Sunday opening hours

15–16.30 beginner skaters

16.30–18 skaters over 30 years old

18–20 others skaters


For safety guarantee helmets are mandatory for Primary school opening hours.

Scooters are aloud on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays on shifts for Primary school.

Contact information


Address: Axel Mörnentie 7, Vaasa

Youth leader Tel. 0400 761 833
Oscar Hagen, Barely Skate Shop, (sundays)  Tel. 040 8702612 


Skateboard hall is for rent on saturdays (except on bank holidays).

Email: or tel. 040 162 9948
