Unpaid bills

Each invoice has a due date by which the invoice must be paid at the latest. The most convenient way to pay is by direct debit, the bill is automatically paid on due date. The direct debit agreement is made with the bank and the billing company. In this case, the account must have the money on the due date to pay the invoice. Online banking makes paying your bills smooth and makes it easy to monitor your income and expenses.

Sometimes you don’t have enough money to pay your bills. Such a situation can happen to anyone, but it is not worth letting it happen again. Well-managed financial matters make life easier.

If you don’t have the money to pay for your invoice, you may want to contact the sender well in advance of the due date. Often the due date can be rescheduled and postponed. Sometimes there is a transfer fee for changing the due date. Details of the due date transfer will be negotiated directly with the sender of the invoice. The due dates of invoices cannot be postponed indefinitely, but must be paid.

Failure to pay the invoice will result in a payment reminder. Failure to pay the invoice may result in a letter from the debt collection agency. The creditor shall be entitled to interest for the entire period of recovery.

If you repeatedly fail to pay your invoices, you may receive a payment failure note. It stays on the register for 2-4 years and makes life difficult in many ways. It can be a barrier to getting a credit card, apartment, and student or home loan. It is also more difficult for a person with a payment default to enter into installment contracts and access a telephone or internet connection. Not paying the bill can lead to difficult life in future!

If payment reminders fail, the creditor can take the matter to the district court. As the case proceeds to judgment, the creditor may recover his claims by means of a lien. The borrower may pay off the debt directly on the wages or property of the debtor. Thus, an unpaid bill of a few dozen can lead to quite a series of events, which are costly for both the defaulter and society.


The Guarantee Foundation  provides assistance with debt problems.

The Debt Line is open on weekdays from 10am – 2pm. Tel. 0800 98009.

The Ask for Money -Chat is open from Monday to Thursday from 12:30 to 15:00.

Wed from 5 to 7 pm.
