You will find information related to Abroad here!

Travelling abroad always demand arrangement beforehand. The more exotic the destination and the longer the trip, the more you need to prepare for it. You should always check if you need visa, vaccinations, is the destination country safe to travel, what kind of weather is there before boarding to the plane.

There are plenty of opportunities to go abroad, especially for students. You can go for an exchange program from your school or attend a language course!

You can also go to work abroad. Working in the EU is easy and information on vacancies can be obtained from the Employment and Economic Development Office. Volunteering abroad is also possible: what it would look like: for example, while working at the Turtle Conservation Center?

It is worthwhile to go abroad with courage and open mind. However, it is worth remembering that things do not work as usual in Finland and they vary widely. If you have difficulties in abroad, you can get help from the Finnish representative/ Embassy.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Travel section gives you travel tips, you can read travel information from different countries, and make your own travel announcement before you go! Click here for more info.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs provides information on all countries from A-Z. Check it before you go!

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